A Bit About Us
Founder: Imam Hassan Abdul Akbar
Born and raised in New York City, His Islamic education began at an early age at the feet of his father Imam Abdullah Akbar (Rahimahullah). His father was the first native Imam in the island of Jamaica and held that position for 17 years before moving to America. Imam Hassan has completed his Bachelors Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from New York City College of Technology. He then enrolled in The Islamic University of Arees in 2009, earning his Masters Degree in Islamic Studies and certification in Islamic Inheritance. Currently Imam Hassan is pursuing his PhD. In Islamic Studies specializing in Aqeedah from the American University for Islamic Sciences. He is the author of five books, including his most recent, “A Call for Unity; Guidance of the Prophet Muhammad”. Imam Hassan is a part-time instructor for Arees University. He is also the Director of Operations for Muslim Free Burial Association, a full-time Khateeb (Speaker) as well as an international Islamic lecturer.
Nafsin Wahida at a Glance
"Nafsin Wahida is an organization dedicated to reinvigorating Islamic Dawah, developing new ways to reintroduced Islam to the masses." We believe that the main cause of Islamophobia is a direct result of intentional misinformation and or general ignorance of Islam. Nafsin Wahida does not limit its work to people of Islamic Faith, we seek to educate people of all faiths to what the true and universal teachings of Islam are. Through an array of different media outlets we hope to "lift the fog" and to serve as a bridge to the peoples of the world presenting Islam in its proper light.
Nafsin Wahida; Aims to create a Movement through a program we've launched called- Knowledge within Reach- a phrase we hope to embody in all our activities. We desire to create an atmosphere of independence, where individuals are encouraged to think for themselves not merely regurgitating the opinion of others. We hope to have a huge impact on the further development of our community, our youth, and our education.
Nafsin Wahida, LLC Is A For Profit Company That Facilitates A Unique Set Of Services With Workshops, Productions and Publications (WPP)The Means Through Which We Operate Our Business and Community Involvements. We Are Able To Use Our Expertise To Facilitate And Assist In The Production, And Publication Of Textual, Audial, And Visual Products Such As Books, Documentaries, Magazines, Commercials, and Trailers. Using Online Media Our (WPP) Capabilities Are Presented In Real Time Through The Use Of Live Streaming. Our (WPP) Allows Us To Engage The Community On A More Intimate Level Engaging Our Supporters With Dynamic Events Such As Inheritance Workshops, Youth Summits And Community Gatherings, Book Release Showcases As Well As Book Signings.